Zsolt Tövis - Full Stack Developer
Zsolt TövisFull Stack Developer
What is jQuery?
What is jQuery?

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies the manipulation of HTML documents, event handling, animations and Ajax interactions in web development.

Who uses jQuery?

jQuery is used by web developers, front-end developers and companies who want to create interactive and dynamic websites or web applications.

What is jQuery used for?

jQuery is used to make JavaScript programming and web development in general easier. It makes it easier to manipulate DOM elements, handle events and perform Ajax interactions.

Why use jQuery?

jQuery is used because it allows faster and easier web development. There is much less code to write using jQuery to achieve the same results as with pure JavaScript.

Why is jQuery good for the customer?

Using jQuery has many benefits for customers. For example, it enables faster and more cost-effective web application development, increases interactivity and user experience, and supports cross-platform compatibility. In addition, jQuery is well documented and widely accepted in the web development community, which ensures long-term sustainable development and maintenance. All of this means that customers can get high-quality and successful web applications that meet their business needs.

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