Zsolt Tövis - Full Stack Developer
Zsolt TövisFull Stack Developer
What is Turbo Pascal?
What is Turbo Pascal?

What is Turbo Pascal?

Turbo Pascal is a programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) developed in the 1980s and 1990s. First available on CP/M and MS-DOS, it was later ported to other platforms.

Who uses Turbo Pascal?

Turbo Pascal was primarily used in the 1980s and 1990s by programmers, students and hobby developers who wanted to learn basic programming concepts and practice software development.

What is Turbo Pascal used for?

Turbo Pascal was primarily used to develop applications and games in the MS-DOS environment. The IDE was easy to use and included many features that helped developers code quickly and efficiently.

Why is Turbo Pascal used?

Turbo Pascal was used because it was an easy to learn and efficient programming language that allowed the development of simple to moderately complex applications. The IDE was intuitive and easy to use, which allowed rapid development.

Why is Turbo Pascal good for the customer?

Turbo Pascal is now less relevant in the modern software development environment, as more complex programming languages offer much more functionality and flexibility. However, novice programmers can still benefit from Turbo Pascal as it helps them to learn basic programming concepts and skills. This provides the opportunity to progress and evolve towards later, more complex programming languages.

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