Zsolt Tövis - Full Stack Developer
Zsolt TövisFull Stack Developer
What is Git?
What is Git?

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system used mainly by software developers to track and manage code versions. It allows developers to collaborate and manage their projects efficiently.

Who uses Git?

Git is also used by software developers, programmers and software engineers who are involved in the development and maintenance of their various projects. Almost every software development team or project uses some kind of version control system, and Git is one of the most popular.

What is Git used for?

Git is used to track code versions, manage changes and collaborate with other developers on a project. This allows developers to manage the code base efficiently and track changes.

Why use Git?

Git is used because it is a distributed version control system that manages versions efficiently and allows easy collaboration between developers. In addition, Git has flexible and powerful tools for managing and comparing code versions.

Why is Git good for the customer?

Using Git has many benefits for customers. For example, it enables faster and more efficient development, increases collaboration between development teams and helps maintain the code base. In addition, Git allows for easy undoing and bug fixing, which increases the stability and quality of applications. All this means that customers can get better and more efficient software.

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