Zsolt Tövis - Full Stack Developer
Zsolt TövisFull Stack Developer
What is CI/CD?
What is CI/CD?

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is a development practice that aims to continuously integrate and deliver software throughout the development process. This allows for frequent and automated testing, faster release of applications and continuous upgrades of deployments.

Who uses CI/CD?

CI/CD is used by software developers, systems engineers and companies who develop and operate applications that require a fast and reliable development and release process. Many technology companies and startups use CI/CD.

What is CI/CD used for?

CI/CD is used to automate and accelerate software development and release processes. This allows faster and more reliable code base updates, early detection of bugs and faster software releases.

Why use CI/CD?

CI/CD is used because it increases the efficiency and reliability of the development and release process. In addition, CI/CD provides automated testing and integration, which reduces the risk of bugs and increases the quality of applications.

Why is CI/CD good for the customer?

The use of CI/CD has a number of benefits for customers. For example, it enables faster and more reliable software releases, increases the efficiency of development teams and reduces development time. CI/CD also increases the stability and quality of applications, which improves the user experience and increases customer satisfaction. This all means that customers can get better and more efficient software.

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