Zsolt Tövis - Full Stack Developer
Zsolt TövisFull Stack Developer
What is JAMstack?
What is JAMstack?

What is JAMstack?

JAMstack is a modern web development architecture that consists of three main components: JavaScript, APIs and Markup (markup language based content). This architecture allows you to build static websites and applications that are fast, secure and easily scalable.

Who uses JAMstack?

JAMstack is used by small and medium sized businesses, startups as well as larger enterprises. Companies such as Netlify, Smashing Magazine and NASA are also using the architecture.

What is JAMstack used for?

JAMstack is used to create fast and secure websites and applications. These applications use static files to display content while providing dynamic content and functionality through APIs.

Why use JAMstack?

JAMstack is used because it allows developers to easily and efficiently build fast and scalable web applications. They are also more secure, as static files are less vulnerable to security attacks.

Why is JAMstack good for the customer?

Using JAMstack has many advantages for customers. For example, they provide faster load times, better performance and lower running costs. They are also easily scalable, which means they can adapt to business needs and growing traffic. This all means that customers can get more efficient and competitive web applications.

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